This page is aimed at objectùm-sexuals and other sexual
Objectùm-sexuals and other sexual minorities, contact me if you are suffering from discrimination. I am taking a stand against the authorities in Sweden for our rights. Even if you live in another country, you are welcome to e-mail me. Friends, it is time to unite.
Sweden has an international reputation for its liberal attitudes which, in my view, are undeserved. While it is true that some progress has been made towards recognizing sexual minority groups, this has so far been confined to homosexuals. The law continues to discriminate against people who, like myself, have different sexual orientations. I thank the gay movement for all the good efforts they have done, but the fight shouldn't stop there, and must continue for the other sexual minorities.
As you most likely have seen on my web-pages I am Objectùm-sexual I find it difficult to understand how this legal discrimination can be justified in our allegedly tolerant country. It is time for the law to be changed to allow rights and equality also for other sexual minorities.
In our fundamental constitution we have free speech and the free thought, so far so good. Let's use those fundamental rights and stand up together for this cause. Together we are strong.
Anyone belonging to a sexual minority, who wants to get her/his voice heard, e-mail me Berliner-Mauer.
Let's unite,
Mrs. Berliiner-Mauer